There have been evaluated 80 patients with hypertension ± obesity. Clinical examination and laboratory investigations (glucidic and lipidic spectrum evaluation) of the patients were performed, and antropometric data were evaluated. The particularities of obesity were appreciated with body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). The assessment of the frequency of the metabolic syndrome to the hypertensive patients was done by using different diagnostic criteria: WHO (World Health Organisation, 1999), NCEP ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, 2001), IDF (International Diabetes Federation, 2005). The study has found that for diagnosis and quantification of the metabolic syndrome the IDF definition identifies a bigger number of persons than ATP III definition. In metabolic syndrome the components have different predictive value and the evolution of metabolic syndrome to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus type 2 may be modified with a management which supposes the multifactorial approach of the components.
Au fost evaluaţi 80 pacienţi hipertensivi±obezitate. A fost efectuat examenul clinic, de laborator (evaluarea specrtului glucidic, lipidic) al pacienţilor şi evaluate datele antropometrice. Particularităţile obezităţii au fost apreciate prin indicele masei corporale (IMC) şi circumferinţa taliei (CT). Aprecierea ratei sindromului metabolic (SM) la pacienţii hipertensivi s-a efctuat prin utilizarea diferitor criterii actuale de diagnostic: WHO (World Health Organisation, 1999), NCEP ATP III (National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, 2001), IDF (International Diabetes Federation, 2005). Studiul a constatat că pentru diagnosticul şi cuantificarea sindromului metabolic, definiţia IDF identifică un număr mai mare de persoane decât definiţia ATP III. În cadrul SM componentele au valoare predictivă diferită, iar progresia SM către boala cardiovasculară şi diabetul zaharat de tip 2, poate fi modificată printr-un management care presupune abordarea multifactorială a componentelor.