Traditional herbal medicine used treatment with medicinal herbs from the old times and there were frequent debates regarding the benefits of such treatment. The use of medical herbs in traditional medicine was based on observation, but the effect came from active components that the herbs contain and active elements which can be found in different concentrations in them, and which can be obtained from herbs by applying different solvents like water, alcohol, wine, and different oils.
Tratamentele cu plante medicinale sunt utilizate in medicina naturistă din cele mai vechi timpuri şi au fost de multe ori in centrul controverselor asupra efectelor mai mult sau mai puţin benefice. Utilizarea plantelor medicinale in terapii naturiste se bazează pe principiile active pe care acestea le conţin şi pe elementele active care se găsesc in diferite concentraţii in ele, şi care se obţin din plante prin intermediul diferitor dizolvanţi ca apa, alcoolul, vinul, diverse uleiuri.