During the first 8 years after surgical treatment of 216 patients with diffuse toxic goiter (GDT) relapse of thyrotoxicosis in younger patients, with affected heredity, in men was more often. It occurred more often in cases of preoperative treatment up to 5 months.
Older patients with conservative treatment during a period of more than 2 years and women are likely to develop hypothyroidism after surgical treatment.
Pe parcursul primilor 8 ani de la tratamentul chirurgical a 216 pacienţi cu guşă difuză toxică (GDT) s-a înregistrat mai des recidivarea tireotoxicozei la pacienţii mai tineri, la ereditatea afectată, la bărbaţi, în cazurile cu tratament preoperator timp de până la 5 luni.
Pacienţii mai vârstnici, cu durata tratamentului conservativ antitiroidian de peste 2 ani, femei, sunt predispuşi spre instalarea hipotiroidiei postchirurgicale.