The influence of BioR on the structure of the general nonspecific adaptable reactions in patients sensitive and resistent to antituberculous treatment was investigated. The analysis of structure of the general adaptable nonspecific reactions, their levels, estimations in points and dynamics of change of these parameters shows the advantage of the complex treatment including adaptogen BioR,as compared to antituberculous therapy alone. The complex of the treatment including the adaptogen in patients with lung tuberculosis resistant and sensitive to antituberculous treatment leads to favorable change in the structures of the general adaptable nonspecific reactions, as well as their .
La bolnavii de tuberculoză pulmonară eliminatori de micobacterii sensibilili la tratament clasic antituberculos şi cei cu multidrogrezistenţă a fost studiată influienţa adaptogenului BioR , asupra structurei reacţiilor de adaptare nespecifice generale (RANG).
Analiza şi monitoringul structurii reacţiilor de adaptare nespecifice generale, nivelelor de reactivitate denotă prevalenţa tratamentului standard antituberculos în asociere cu preparatele adaptogene faţă de tratamentul standard antituberculos. Administrarea preparatelor adaptogene în tratamentul complex la bolnavii de tuberculoză pulmonară sensibili la tratament şi cei cu rezistenţă la tratament antituberculos favorizează dinamica pozitivă al structurei reacţiilor de adaptare nespecifice generale, nivelelor de reactivitate.