The research was performed in SCMBCC on 116 patients diagnosed with Intestinal amebiasis in 2007. The disease affected children of the age of 0-2 in 83,62% of cases (97 patients), the age of 3 to 6 years in 12,93% of cases (15 patients) and the age of 7 to 17 in 3,44% of cases (4 patients), with the prevalence of male in 52,59% (61 patients), versus female 47,42%(55 patients). In 87% of all cases the disease had evolved on a unfavorable ground of the following simultaneous diseases: acute respiratory infection, ascaridisis, urinary infections, tonsillitis.
In 81,89% of cases(95 patients) the disease had a moderate evolution, in 17,24% of cases (20 patients) the evolution was severe, and in 0,86% of cases (1 patient) the evolution was very severe. Complications occurred in 12,93% of cases (15 patients), with toxic nephritis in 7,79 % (9 cases) and acetonemic vomiting 5,17%(6 cases). Fever less than 38°C was registered in 35, 34% of cases (41 patients), fever higher than 38°C was registered in 47,41% of cases (55 patients) and normal temperature was registered in 17,24% of cases (20 patients).
A fost efectuat un studiu la SCMBC Chiţinău în perioada anului 2007, unde au fost examinaţi 116 copii cu amibiază intestinală. Maladia a afectat copiii cu vîrsta de la 0 pîna la 2 ani - 97 cazuri (83,6%), de la 3 pîna la 6 ani - 15 cazuri (12,9%), de la 7 pîna la 14 ani - 4 cazuri (3,4%), cu predominarea sexului masculin (52,6%), vizavi de cel feminin (47,4%). Boala a evoluat pe un fondal nefavorabil in 87% din cazuri cu următoarele boli concomitente: infecţie respiratorie acută, infecţii ale căilor urinare, amigdalită lacunară, ascaridoză. Amibiaza a avut o evoluţie de gravitate medie la copii (81,9%), gravă–la 20 copii (17,4%), şi foarte gravă – la un copil (0,9 %). Complicaţii au survenit în 15cazuri (12,9%): nefrită toxică - 9 cazuri (7,8%) şi vomă acetonemică- 6 cazuri (5,2 %). Amibiaza a evaluat cu febra 96 la copii, inclusiv t0 pînă la 38˚C au avut- 41 copil (5,3%), mai mult t0de 38˚C – 55 (47,4%); afebrili au fost 20 copii (17,24%).