This research study analyses and systematises the therapeutic contraindications of the acupuncture and their classification as: psychological contraindications, physiological, anatomical and clinical contraindications, contraindications determined by the insufficient information about the patients health and the course of the previous treatment, contraindications related to the weather conditions and the biorhythm, contraindications determined by the medical qualification of the physician and the conditions of carrying out the treatment.
În acest studiu sînt analizate şi sistematizate contraindicaţiile de aplicare terapeutică a acupuncturii şi elaborată clasificarea lor: contraindicaţii de ordin psihologic; fiziologic; anatomic; contraindicaţii clinice; contraindicaţii determinate de lipsa informării suficiente despre sănătatea pacientului şi programul de tratament antecedent; contraindicaţii relaţionate cu factorii meteorologici şi bioritmul; contraindicaţii determinate de gradul de calificare a medicului şi condiţiile de realizare a tratamentului.