The author defines the indications and contraindications of surgical treatment of patients with open fractures of the extremities. There were submitted the most frequently used systems for evaluating the seriousness of damage to the open limbs, their advantages and disadvantages. Evaluation of surgical treatment of 26 patients (43) with open fractures of the extremities treated in hospital during the 2007-2008 was carried out.
Autorul a determinat indicaţiile şi contraindicaţiile tratamentului chirurgical a bolnavilor cu fracturi deschise ale membrelor. Au fost elucidate cele mai frecvent utilizate sisteme de determinare a gravităţii leziunilor deschise ale membrelor, apreciate avantajele şi dezavantajele lor. Sunt analizate rezultatele tratamentului chirurgical a 26 pacienţi cu fracturi deschise ale membrelor trataţi pe parcursul a.a. 2007-2008.