Treatment effectiveness of trigeminal neuralgia depends on lots of various factors, the patient’s age inclusively. We followed up 191 patients, 30.5 per cent of these being aged over 60. The use of tissue therapy in this category of patients was quite positive, though its results and their duration depended on the fact whether the patients were primary or they had been previously treated by other methods.
Eficacitatea tratamentului neuralgiei de trigemen depinde de mai mulţi factori, inclusiv şi de vîrsta pacientului. Sub observaţia noastră din 191 pacienţi, 30,5% pacienţi au depăşit vîrsta de 60 ani. Aplicarea terapiei tisulare la aceеasta categorie de pacienţi (la fel) a fost pozitivă, dar rezultatul terapiei şi durata lui depinde de faptul dacă bolnavii au fost primari sau dacă au fost trataţi anterior prin alte metode.