Show simple item record Guragata, Ana Rusu, Ecaterina Jivolcovschi, Ala 2019-06-25T11:08:28Z 2019-06-25T11:08:28Z 2009
dc.identifier.citation GURAGATA, Ana, RUSU, Ecaterina, JIVOLCOVSCHI, Ala. Refluxul gastroesofagian la copii de vârstă fragedă. In: Anale Științifice ale USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 10-a. Chișinău: CEP Medicina, 2009, vol. 5: Probleme actuale ale sănătăţii mamei şi copilului, pp. 338-340. en_US
dc.description Catedra Pediatrie Nr.I USMF ,,Nicolae Testemiţanu”, SMCR ,,Em. Coţaga ’’ en_US
dc.description.abstract The result of the study of 50 children with gastroesofageal reflux represented 38% from all the all upper digestive endoscopies of the erythematous lesions with complete (gastroesofageal and duodenogastric). The diagnosis of gastroesofageal reflux was confirmed according to the clinico-anamnestic data in 48%. FEGDS revealed the presence of esophagitis in 11 patient, gastric transhiatal axial hernia was recorded in 4 cases. The diagnosis of the pathologic reflux was radiolodically confirmed in 1 child who didi not have any lesions while he had undergone endoscopy. Rezultatul studiului a 50 de copii cu reflux gastroesofagian au reprezentat 38% din totalul endoscopiilor digestive superioare a leziunilor de tip eritematos cu reflux total ( gastroesofagian şi duodenogastral), iar 48% diagnosticul de reflux gastroesofagian a fost confirmat după datele clinico-anamnestice. FEGDS a relevat prezenţa esofagitei la 11 pacienţi, hernie gastrică transhiatală axială a fost întîlnită în 4 cazuri, 1 copil endoscopic negativ diagnosticul de boală de reflux patologic a fost confirmat ulterior radiologic. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher CEP "Medicina" en_US
dc.title Refluxul gastroesofagian la copii de vârstă fragedă en_US
dc.title.alternative Gastroesofageal reflux in children of early age en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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