Despite medical progress, mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome associated with diabetes mellitus remains at high level. There were studied 72 patients with diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome associated and non-associated with diabetes mellitus. Patients with acute coronary syndrome associated with diabetes mellitus more frequently have serious complications and severe forms of acute coronary syndrome. There were revealed some atypical clinical manifestations.
În pofida progreselor medicale, mortalitatea pacienţilor cu sindrom coronarian acut asociat cu diabet zaharat rămîne la un nivel înalt. Au fost studiaţi 72 de pacienţi cu diagnosticul sindrom coronarian acut cu şi fară diabet zaharat asociat. S-au studiat particularităţile clinico-evolutive la pacienţii cu sindrom coronarian acut asociat cu diabet zaharat şi s-au constatat manifestări clinice atipice şi dezvoltarea frecventă a complicaţiilor.