The following article focuses upon the results of material`s synthesis of 25 patients, who got treated during the years 2007-2010 in the circumstances of the septic traumatology section, of hospital of Medical Public Sanitation Institution, the Clinical Institution of Traumatology and Orthopedy, with various lesions of gunshots injuring the locomotory system using the complex treatment as well as prophylaxis of septic complications.
Articolul pretinde a elucida rezultatele sintezei materialului clinic a 25 de bolnavi, ce s-au tratat pe parcursul anilor 2007-2010 în condiţiile secţiei Traumatologie septică a IMSP SCTO, cu diverse leziuni prin armă de foc a locomotorului prin prizma tratamentului complex şi profilaxia complicaţiilor septice.