Chronic laryngitis is a curent and actual problem in otorhinolaryngology. Inflammatory pathology of the larynx with a chronic clinical course always raises problems to practical medicine by its frequency, difficulty in diagnosis and treatment. There were examined 200 patients with chronic laryngitis. We have convinced ourselves by this study that accurate and timely diagnosis of these pathologies leads to larynx cancer prevention. Clinical forms of chronic laryngitis are presented by subjective an objective signs. The subjective ones were established: dysphonia, dysphagia and dyspnoea.
Laringitele cronice constituie o problemă actuală a otorinolaringologiei. Patologia inflamatorie a laringelui cu o evoluţie clinică cronică mereu pune probleme medicinii practice prin frecvenţa ei, dificultăţi în diagnosticare şi tratament. Au fost examinaţi 200 de pacienţi cu laringite cronice. Ne-am convins prin acest studiu că diagnosticarea corectă şi la timp a acestor patologii duce la profilaxia cancerului de laringe. Formele clinice a laringitelor cronice se prezintă prin semne subiective şi obiective specifice. Dintre cele subiective au fost stabilite: disfonia, disfagia şi dispneea.