Forty nine patients (26 males and 23 females) of 20 to 80 ages, who were medically treated at the ORL section of the Municipal Hospital Sf. Treime, were investigated. The obtained results demonstrate that: no sex predilection exists for nosebleeds, approximately 90% of nosebleeds can be visualized in the anterior portion of the nasal cavity, most cases of epistaxis do not have an easily identifiable cause, bat in the most cause is meeting at hypertensive patients.
Au fost investigaţi 49 de pacienţi (26 bărbaţi si 23 femei ) în vîrsta de 20-80 ani, internaţi in secţia ORL SCM Sf. Treime. Rezultatele obţinute arată că repartizarea după sex este 1:1, in 90% cazuri se apreciază epistaxis anterior, in majoritatea cazurilor e greu de stabilit cauza directă, dar totuşi predomina prezenţa HTA la pacienti.