There were studied and treated 421 pacients with zigmatic complex and zygomatic arch fractures in the centre of OMF surgery Republic of Moldova.The first specialized surgical aid was performed, when the pacient with the recent zygomatic complex fractures with displacement came to the hospital, to solve the possible psychological and social problems, to reduce the time of incapacity of work. There were studied and described the surgical methods of reposition and fixation of the fractured fragments in the emergency room using local anesthesia.
Au fost studiaţi si trataţi 421 pacienţi cu fracturi recente de complex zigomatic si arcadă zigomatică în centrul de chirurgie oro-maxilo –facială din Republica Moldova. Ajutorul chirurgical specializat de urgenţă efectuat unimomentan la adresarea pacientului cu traumă recentă de complex zigomatic, rezolvă problemele posibile de ordin psihologic si social, micşorează timpul incapacitaţii de muncă. Au fost studiate si descrise metodele chirurgicale de repozitie si fixare a fracturilor de complex zigomatic in condiţiile sălii de urgenţă sub anestezie locală.