dc.identifier.citation |
CUDELINA, Irina, SAMOHVALOV, Elena et al. Dereglările hematologice în lupus eritematos sistemic. In: Anale ştiinţifice ale USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 12-a. Chişinau: СEP Medicina, 2011, vol. 3: Probleme actuale în medicina internă, pp.152-158. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
The occurrence and significance of haematological abnormalities were analysed in 32
prospectively studied patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Anaemia occurred in 12
patients (36.2%), manifested by changes in the quantity of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit.
The iron deficiency anaemia was recorded in most patients and consisted of 6 patients (50%).
Anaemia of chronic disease was identified in 4 patients (33.3%) and only in individual patients
were diagnosed autoimmune hemolytic anaemia and anaemia of chronic renal failure.
Leukopenia was found in 47% of patients, lymphopenia – in 20% and thrombocytopenia in 27
% of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The most frequent symptoms registred in
patients with lupus were arthritis / arthralgia - 84.3%, followed by skin manifestations - malar
rash and photosensitivity -78.1%, oral ulcers - 59.3% and renal impairment in 50% of patients.
No difference in damage of SLE patients with or without anaemia was marked. Our study
marked a strong association between the decrease serum erythropoietin and anaemia of chronic
disease. Laboratory examinations were performed for determining anemia of chronic disease in
patients with lupus. To determine this type of anemia serum iron, erythropoietin, ferritin were
assessed. We came to the conclusion that mild, moderate and severe anaemia were strongly
associated with disease activity in SLE. Moderate and severe anemia were associated with the
damage accrual. Different stages of anaemia can be used in monitoring disease activity and
avoidance of damage accrual in SLE.
Instalarea şi valoarea dereglărilor hematologice au fost analizate la 32 pacienţi cu lupus
eritematos sistemic. Anemia a fost stabilită la 12 pacienţi (37.5%), manifestîndu-se prin
schimbarea numărului eritrocitelor, hemoglobinei şi nivelului hematocritului. Anemia
fierodeficitară a fost înregistrată la 6 (18.7%) pacienţi. Anemia bolii cronice a fost identificată la
4 (12.5%) pacienţi şi numai la 2 (6.2%) pacient a fost depistată anemia pe fondul insuficienţei
renale cronice.
În studiul efectuat leucopenia a fost depistată la 11 (34.3%) pacienţi, limfopenia la 15
(46.8%) şi trombocitopenia la 4 (12.5%) pacienţi cu lupus eritematos sistemic.
Au fost efectuate examinări de laborator pentru constatarea tipului de anemie. Anemia
bolii cronice s-a depistat prin nivelul hemoglobinei, hematocritului, fierul seric şi eritropoietina.
S-a identificat legătura ABC cu scăderea eritropoietinei în sânge.
Anemiile uşoare şi moderate au fost asociate cu activitatea bolii, cele severe - cu indicele
lezării organice. Aceste asociaţii sunt depistate atât la debutul lupusului cât şi în evoluţie.
Diagnosticul precoce al anemiei, tratamentul adecvat şi monitorizarea activităţii lupice, permite
evitarea lezării organice. |
en_US |