dc.description.abstract |
The clinical, epidemiological and hematological aspects of infectious mononucleosis are
described in this article. It was also showed serological diagnostics of 85 kids who were
hospitalized in the Municipal Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital during the last ten years.
Data from the study shows predominantly affecting patients with MI in the cold season
(66,1%), family occurred after contact with patients with IRA or tonsillitis. The clinical
presentation of MI with EBV in children aged up to 3 years was characterized by more frequent
presence rhinorrhea (16,6%), tonsillitis with purulent deposits (84,7%), hepatomegaly
pronounced (14,1%) and blood count was characterized by the presence of higher anemia
(37,6%), leukocytosis (43.7%) with atypical lymphocytes (67%) and accelerated VSH (43,5%).
Hipertransaminazemia were determined in children aged less up to 3 years (16,9%) and
transaminase levels were moderately elevated.
În acest articol sunt elucidate aspectele clinico-epidemilogice, hematologice şi de diagnostic la
195 copii cu MI cu EBV, inclusiv 85 pacienţi sub 3 ani, spitalizaţi în SCMBCC pe perioada
ultimilor ani. Datele obţinute în urma studiului denotă afectarea preponderent a pacienţilor cu MI
în perioada rece a anului (66,1%), după un contact intrafamilial cu bolnavi cu IRA sau
Tabloul clinic a MI cu EBV la copiii cu vîrstă pînă la 3 ani s-a caracterizat printr-o
prezenţă mai frecventă a rinoreei (16,6%), amigdalite cu depuneri purulente (84,7%),
hepatomegaliei pronunţate (14,1%), iar hemoleucograma s-a caracterizat prin prezenţa mai înaltă
a anemiei (37,6%), leucocitozei (43,7%) cu limfocite atipice (67%) şi VSH accelerat (43,5%).
Hipertransaminazemia au fost determinata mai rar la copiii cu vîrsta pînă la 3 ani (16,9%), iar
valori transaminazelor erau crescute moderat. |
en_US |