Giftedness phenomenon: origins and psycho-social aspects Giftedness is a comparatively less investigated and unforeseeable and hardly controlled phenomenon. There are three possible ways of gifted person's development: ...
Bioterorism – main subject in the paradigm of survival of humanity Contemporary civilization is faced with the growing phenomenon of terrorism, which acquires new forms, new manifestations, becoming a real threat to the ...
Bioethics approach of Malpraxis in ophthalmology In contemporary Medicine and Bioethics an special importance have the approaching of Malpraxis problem. This phenomen is accentueted more and more in clinic practice, involving ...
It feels the need for thorough philosophical analysis that would highlight the universal-general nature of the relationship „information technology-society”, as well as of bioethics through which it sets clear limits for ...
Success of humankind survival concerns more and more scientists, politicians and businessmen. Global crises represent the main danger which menaces the future of Hommo Sapiens. In the article is stressed the importance of ...
The problem of the procreation in the patristic thought: ethical and philosophical analysis The divergences within the opinions focused on the moral problems of the contemporary world are founded on two extremes. One of ...
Developments in the information society are one of the main agents of change worldwide. The complexity of this problem requires a man to examine some aspects, highlighting in particular, the theoretical-philosophical and ...
An analysis of modern civilization through the prism of globalization process and of a planetary society constitution is undertaken in this article. The author tackles this process in both universalistic and local plans. ...
Despite the various sources of stem cells (adult, embryonic, fetal, derived from umbilical blood), scientists argue that embryonic stem cells (ESC) provide the most stable and promising results in treatment of different ...
As we advance in time, the truth prescribed in the early human civilisation becomes more evident. They were provided by the close connection between philosophy and religion. Nowadays, for the survival of humanity, are ...
Bioethycal aspects of xenotransplantation This article represents an integrated study that reflects the common attributes of xenotransplantation as an alternative way of exchanging the damaged human tissues and organs. Its ...
This article is meant to present case studies of clinical trials in order to avoid the extremes, the legislation system which supervises the protection of victims that suffered from abuse during a medical experiment, the ...
Some bioethical aspects of psychiatry Psychiatry is an extremely specific branch of medicine which, due to its features, requires a special bioethical approach. Following the bibliographical analysis it may be concluded ...
Iron-deficiency anemia is a very often met pathology in children. Different organs and systems including CNS are affected. Disorders of memory, perception, attention and mood are the symptoms of CNS damage in Iron-deficiency ...
Axiological Implications in Contemporary Medicine Essential fields with clear axiological implication are stressed during evolution of contemporary medicine. Adequate value actions shapes spiritual and moral features which ...
The mental retardation and comportamental disorders in infants suffering from Epilepsy The mental retardation in infants suffering from Epilepsy is present in the clinical characteristics of Epilepsy in 38,61% cases. This ...
Discourse of contemporaneous philosophy in bioethics Contemporaneous philosophy is reflecting in medical ethics by analysis of contradictory duality of deontology and teleology from the perspective of human’s autonomy and ...
A New Dimension of Ethical Methodology in the Era of Global Technology: Theoretical and Philosophical Analysis Last centuries social-natural development has clearly demonstrated the necessity of transforming the ethical ...
The general mortality level is the main criterion of the efficiency of Health System activity, but children’s mortality – is the ctiterion of the efficiency of the whole society and it means the positive reproduction of ...
In the article is presented the importance of the regionalization approach in hospital care
modernization. There is the description of motivation factors and benefits of the implementation
of hospital care regionalization ...