Ovarian reserve is the term used to describe the number of good quality eggs left within a
woman’s ovaries. A woman is born with approximately 1,5 million eggs and over her
reproductive life her egg numbers will decline as they are lost through natural attrition and
ovulation. Only approximately 400 eggs are lost through the process of ovulation. The remaining
eggs are lost through natural cell death (apoptosis).Women with family history of early
menopause, a history of surgery to the ovary or severe pathology, are all at increased risk of
early diminished ovarian reserve. The only way to identify this population is with the use of
ovarian reserve testing- EFORT (Exogenous FSH Ovarian Reserve Test).
Keyword EFORT, Ovarian reserve, AMH, Ultrasound
Termenul de rezervă ovariană a aparut ca necesitate de a defini cantitatea de foliculi şi
calitatea ovocitelor din ele, şi evaluarea funcţiei reproductive nu numai dupa vârsta pacientei dar
dupa posibiliatatea ei reala de a concepe o sarcina. Rezerva ovariana constituie mărimea şi
numărul total de foliculi ovarieni cu ovocitele din ele ce se gasesc in ambele ovare. Sau altfel fel
spus este numărul de ovocite la femeie într-un momentul dat care pot fi utilizate în fertilizare.
Odata cu înaintarea în vârsta a femeii are loc declinul funcţiei reproductive, manifestindu-se şi
prin scăderea rezevei ovariene.