As a result of the performed work the technology of obtaining extracts from artichoke
leaves on various extragents demineralised water, 35, 70 and 90 % v/v ethanol and methanol was
developed. The extracts were obtained by re-percolation, conventional maceration and
percolation. The quantitative determination of total polyphenolic content from artichoke leaves
extracts was perfomed by the spectrophotometric method.
S-au testat diferite metode de obţinere a extractelor vegetale din Cynarae folia folosind
diferiţi extragenţi: alcool etilic, methanol şi apă purificată. Au fost obţinute extracte fluide
utilizând percolarea, repercolarea şi macerarea. S-a efectuat analiza cantitativă a totalului
polifenolic în extractele obţinute utilizând metoda spectrofotometrică.