Causes of death were studied in 82 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, who died in 2010
in Municipal Phtisiopneumology Hospital. It was found that 61.0% patients died of progressive
tuberculosis, 25.6% of non-specific complications (pulmonary hemorrhage, pneumothorax, etc..)
And 13.4% of other associated diseases (liver cirrhosis, lung cancer etc.).
Au fost studiate cauzele deceselor ĩn tuberculoza pulmonară a 82 pacienţi, care au decedat
ĩn a. 2010, ĩn Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Ftiziopulmonologie. S-a constatat că 61,0% pacienţi
au decedat prin progresarea procesului tuberculos, 25,6% prin complicaţii nespecifice (hemoragii
pulmonare, pneumotorax etc.) şi 13,4% prin alte boli asociate (ciroza hepatică, cancer pulmonar
Conducător ştiinţific - Aurelia Ustian, doctor med., conf. univ.
Catedra Pneumoftiziologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”