Anale științifice USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, 2008, Ediția a IX-a: Recent submissions

  • Taşnic, Mihail; Catereniuc, Ilia; Reuţchi, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    In this article there is a concise presentation of the information from the literature of speciality confronted with personal observations of the anatomical and individual anatomical variation and anomalies of the most ...
  • Globa, Tatiana (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    Prostatic benign hyperplasia and carcinoma are the two principal conditions to involve the prostate; they account for more than 90% of all prostatic disease. In this study, using the data of morphological archive of Moldavian ...
  • Lopotencu, Eugenia (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The variants of the skeletal muscles are manifestaed in the following forms: aplasia or hypoplasia, supranumerary or accessory muscles, musculary fusions. This article discribes: 1) aplasia of the major pectoral muscle; ...
  • Goţonoagă, Eugen; Grosu, Stanislav (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This research is based on the study of the cardiac ventricles, particurarly the variants of the the papillary muscles, chordate tendinae, the trabeculae carneae, and the intertrabecular spaces and the correlation between ...
  • Hacina, T. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This article reflects a variability of aortic anomalies and diseases. Modalities of development of the malformations and troubles of the aorta and their risc degree for the health and life are described in it. Articolul ...
  • Florea, Marina (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The main goal of this study was to histologically evaluate the regeneration of bone tissue in case of fractures. According to the type of mechanical stabilization applied, the bone consolidation undergoes whether endochondral, ...
  • Pretula, Ruslan; Rîvneac, Elena; Rîvneac, Victor (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The biodegradation of collagen is a process of a vital importance both in norm and in pathological conditions. The initial stage in the collagen degradation is an extracellular proteolytical process, started up by the ...
  • Sochirca, Octavian; Vasian, Maxim (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This study aims at studying the variants of the Wirsung and bile ducts and the correlation between them. Studies were made on organs from deceased children and adults, the cause of death being other than the pathology of ...
  • Rîvneac, Victor; Gudumac, Valentin; Rîvneac, Elena; Pretula, Ruslan; Grecikina, Ecaterina (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The localization of collagenase in the normal rat liver was investigated electron-histochemically. The results suggest that the active collagenase is localized in the lysosomes of Kuppfer cells and endoteliocytes, as well ...
  • Gudumac, Veronica (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This article represents an integrated study of the normal morpho-physiologycal structure of the Central Nervous System(CNS), but also in case of multiple sclerosis attack. Its various types, the global distribution, and ...
  • Milohina, Ecaterina (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    In this work weak parts of abdominal walls and pelvis cavities are described, as they are considered the main causes of hernia formation. A special attention is addressed towards the localization of ...
  • Ivanova, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The variability of the large intestine position were studied a segmentary research was carried out to establish a synthesis concerning each position of the organ separately in terms of summerizing same general data. ...
  • Leanca, Anna (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The objective of this research is to study and analyze the forms, sizes and position variants of the female genital internal organs. Tema acestei lucrări o constituie studierea şi analiza formelor, dimensiunilor, ...
  • Griniuc, Eduard; Pavlovskaia, Dana (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This research studies the structure, the function and the individuality of the thymus as one of the central organs of the immune system as it’s age particularities compared to other age particularities of the immune ...
  • Certan, Galina; Ștefaneț, Mihai; Babuci, Angela; Belic, Olga; Zorin, Zinaida (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    Morphological modifications of the conducting pathways of the wall of the superior vena cava are revealed by their argentafiliation, varicosity and tumefaction. Destructive changes are revealed by different degrees of ...
  • Catereniuc, Ilia; Babuci, Angela; Zorin, Zinaida (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    This research refers to the studying of some macroscopic, macromicroscopic and microscopic neurovascular extra- and intravisceral elements, specific to each component of the hepatoligamentary complex. We tried to point out ...
  • Reuţchi, Elena; Niguleanu, R. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    It was revealed that after implantation of the vascular protheses a neointhimogenesis occurs as a result of the cells proliferation both, at the end of the prothetic vessels and through the prothetic pores from the surrounding ...
  • Belic, O.; Ştefaneţ, M.; Babuci, Angela; Certan, G.; Hacina, T.; Catereniuc, I. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    Anatomical knowledge concerning variations of the splenic plexus in the aspects of its two main types: concentrated and diffuse, along with its topography inside the organ and its relationship with the neighboring visceral ...
  • Niguleanu, R.; Reuţchi, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The most frequent causes of artificial prostheses dysfunction in patients suffering of obliterative atherosclerosis are occlusion of prosthesis lumen by neointimal hypertrophy and thrombosis. Cele mai frecvente ...
  • Ştefaneţ, M.; Belic, O.; Certan, G.; Babuci, Angela; Batâr, D.; Titova, T.; Bendelic, A.; Zorin, Z. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The lymph nodes of the funiculotesticular complex are localized at the level of the bifurcation of the blood vessels, among the loops of the pampiniform plexus, on the trajectory of the lymph vessels, having a peri- and ...

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