Clinical examination (clinical and psychological tests) and paraclinical investigation
(hormones blood level measurement: adrenocorticotropin, cortisol, prolactin) on a lot of 155
alcohol addicted patients during the onset of remission stage of the disease showed the presence
of some affective disorders (anxiety, depression, dysphoria) as well as endocrine disturbances
compared to people from the control group (the same age and biological sex healthy persons).
The changes detected in alcohol addicted patients during remission, may be the cause of early
recurrences of the disease.
Examenul clinic (testări clinico-psihologice) şi paraclinic (investigarea nivelului
sangvin al hormonilor: adrenocorticotrop, cortzol, prolactină) a 155 pacienţi alcooldependenţi
în perioada incipientă a remisiunii maladiei, a evidenţiat prezenţa unor modificări afective
(anxietate, depresie, disforie), dar şi endocrine, comparativ cu aceiaşi indici la persoanele din
lotul martor (persoane sănătoase de aceiaşi vârstă şi sex biologic). Modificările psihoendocrine
depistate la alcooldependenţi în remisiune, probabil, pot fi cauza recidivelor precoce ale