This is a study of diagnostic methods, applied to a group of 28 patients with malignant
pleural mesothelioma between 2004-2011. It was found that a particular method does not
establish the diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma. All of them complement each other.
In order to solve this problem was developed an algorithm for diagnosing malignant pleural
Lucrarea reprezintă un studiu al metodelor de diagnostic, aplicat unui lot de 28 pacienti
cu mezoteliom malign pleural în perioada anilor 2004-2011. S-a constatat ca o metodă aparte nu
stabileşte diagnosticul de mezoteliom malign pleural. Fiecare din ele se completează reciproc.
Pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme a fost elaborat un algoritm de diagnostic al mezoteliomului
pleural malign.