Chimie generală și farmaceutică


Recent Submissions

  • Ciobanu, Victoria; Cotelea, Tamara; Lîsîi, Leonid (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The main idea of this work was to develop physical-chemical methods by investigation theophylline Isolation tests from biological liquids were affected in PH diversions. Results confirmed by thin layer of chromatography ...
  • Costin, Maria; Cotelea, Tamara; Lîsîi, Leonid (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    We used Paracetamol phisico-chemical methods in the pure substance for its analysis in the blood plasma. The identification FeCl3 reaction, Nessler reagent, Liebermann. Chromatography on the thin layer in the ethylacetat ...
  • Conicov, Lilia; Cotelea, Tamara; Soloviova, Larisa (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    There was elaborated the TLC method of metoprolol identification by using five develop systems. We performed specifical identification reactions . Spectrophotometric method of quantitative determination for metoprolol in ...
  • Hangan, Mariana; Cotelea, Tamara; Soloviov, Larisa (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    We elaborated the TLC method of methoclopramide identification by using two developped systems, specrophotometric method of quantitative determination for methoclopramide in powder and tablets of 0.01g. Using the analytical ...
  • Tihon, Iurie; Uncu, Livia; Valica, Vladimir; Ghicavîi, Victor; Suvorchina, Olga (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The thin layer chromatography method for identification and specifically impurities determination in substance Metiferon was elaborated. The chromatographic separation was realized in the solvents system isopropyl alcohol ...
  • Tihon, Iurie; Ciobanu, Nicolae; Uncu, Livia; Valica, Vladimir; Ghicavîi, Victor (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    Metiferon (Dimetilphosphit S-metilizotiuronium) is researched with purpose to create the rational pharmaceutical form for intravenous administration (injection solution) and elaboration of NAD for this medicinal form. There ...
  • Uncu, Livia; Pleşca, Andrei; Damaschin, Natalia; Vislouh, Oxana; Movilă, Liviu (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    Dietilphosfat S-etilizotiuroniu is researched for creation of the rational pharmaceutical forms and their NDT elaboration. The optimal composition of suppositories with this component, the methods of analysis and standardization ...
  • Tihon, Iurie; Uncu, Livia; Valica, Vladimir; Fabian, Ludmila; Vislouh, Oxana (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The new chemical component from izotioureic derivative group with phosphor content is researched. The elaborated methods for identification will be included in normative analytical documents of quality of this substance. ...
  • Tihon, Iurie; Uncu, Livia; Valica, Vladimir; Vîslouh, Oxana; Ciobanu, Roman (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The new component from izotioureic derivative – Metiferon is researched. The UV spectrophotometric method of qualitative and quantitative determination for this substance was elaborated. There were respected all control ...
  • Melnic, Silvia (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    A new trinuclear iron(III) furoate with the general formula [Fe3O(α-fur)6(CH3OH)3]Cl•2CH3OH has been prepared and investigated by elemental analysis, Mössbauer, X-ray and IR spectroscopy. A fost sintetizată o ...
  • Chistruga, L.; Batîr, D.; Chistruga, V. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    The combinations of nickel(III) with composition [Ni(Diox)2L2]X•nHX and [Ni(Diox)2PyL]X•nHX (L - derivates of pyridine, Diox - monoanione of α-dioxime, x – Cl, Br) were obtained. Their magnetic properties and catalytic ...
  • Anton, M.; Chistruga, L. (CEP "Medicina", 2008)
    A synthesis of existing literature about the structure and proprieties of platinum compounds as well as their action on the nucleic acids. Aceste materiale prezintă o sinteză a literaturii existente privind structura ...