Liver transplantation from live donor was introduced as alternative method for increasing the number of donors and decreasing the mortality and waiting time in the list of patients waiting for liver transplantation histo compatibility between donor and recipient, selection and corresponding waiting time of the recipient, donor‘s liver full preoperative imaging evaluation. Liver transplantation from live donor presents the surgical intervention with major risk, which needs the dividing the vascular system and hepatic tissue in the way to insure the demands of the donor as those for recipient. With the acceptation of this type of liver transplantation so the donor as the doctor should accept the risk of mortality for the donor as for the recipient.
Transplantul de ficat este o metodă de tratament a bolilor acute sau cronice a ficatului în stadiile lor terminale. Optimizarea tehnicii chirurgicale şi terapiei imunodepresante va permite de ajunge la o supraveţuire postoperatorie foarte înaltă. Transplantul de ficat de la donator viu poate într-o măsură oare care a rezolva problema de deficit de organe de la donatori aflaţi ăn mortea cerebrală. La momentul actual, analizând literatura modernă, rezultatele ambelor tipuri de transplanthepatic pot fi comparabile.