The peculiarities of the interrelations between the pathologies of superior and inferior
respiratory pass-ways have been studied. Sanitation of the upper respiratory pass-ways in the
complex program of treatment and rehabilitation has a benefic action on the clinical evolution of
asthma and of acute bronchitis with protracted and recurrent evolution that helps to reduce cases
of the transition of acute bronchitis in the chronic form.
S-au studiat unele aspecte ale interrelaţiei patologiilor căilor respiratorii superioare şi
inferioare. Sanarea căilor respiratorii superioare în programul complex de măsuri curative are o
influenţă benefică asupra evoluţiei astmului bronşic, deasemenea şi asupra bronşitei acute cu
evoluţie trenantă şi recidivantă, diminuând probabilitatea cronicizării bronşitei acute.