Renal cystyc diseases- the most serious and frequent nephropathies. Most of them are
hereditary monogenic diseases, in which prophylaxis may be effective. The incidence of
hereditary forms, according to many authors, varies between 1: 400 to 1: 1000 births. In 10 % of
nephrological patients, which need hemodialysis or renal transplant, these pathologies represent
the cause of chronic renal failure.
It is represented a clinical case of a female patient aged 17, who adressed to nephrology
clinic with complaints of bilateral lumbar pain and leg edema. She was diagnosed with Kidney
anomaly. Renal bilateral polycystyc disease. Secondary pyelonephritis, relapsed evolution,
remission stage. The kidney function was preserved.
This clinical case is interesting because of the disease incidence. Taking into account the
hereditary history, laboratory tests data, ultrasonography results, scintigraphy and CT results, the
prognosis is reserved, with a possible evolution to chronic renal failure.
Bolile chistice renale – unele dintre cele mai grave şi mai frecvente nefropatii.
Majoritatea din ele sunt boli ereditare monogenice, în care profilaxia poate fi efectivă. Incidenţa
formelor ereditare după datele mai multor autori variază de la 1:400 la 1:1000 de naşteri. La 10
% dintre bolnavii nefrologici, care necesită hemodializă sau transplant renal, aceste patologii
prezintă cauza dezvoltării insuficienţei renale cronice.