The article reflects a clinical trial, on determining the value of the interleukin IL 6 si IL 8 levels in the blood, in order to predict the development and the evolution of the infectious and inflammatory processes at the patients with politraumatisms, including those with a predominance of musculo-skeletal system injuries and open fractures of the major segments.
nivelulul de interleukine IL 6 si IL 8 in sange.
Articolul reflecta un studiul clinic, cu privire la valoarea determi-narii in sange a nivelului interleukinelor IL 6 si IL 8 in sange, in scop de prezicere a dezvoltarii si evolutiei proceselor infectioase si inflamatorii, la pacientii cu politraumatisme, inclusiv cele cu o preponderenta a leziunilor sistemului musculo-scheletal si fracturi deschise ale segmentelor majore.