Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)

Evolutia proceselor inflamatorii la accidentatii cu politraumatisme cu preponderenta leziunilor aparatului locomotor in corelatie cu nivelulul de interleukine Il 6 și Il 8 in sange

Show simple item record Borovic, Eduard Pavlovschi, Ecaterina Olaru, Andrei Hincota, Dumitru Birman, Mihail 2019-06-26T07:40:15Z 2019-06-26T07:40:15Z 2016
dc.identifier.issn 0041-6940
dc.description Institutul de Medicina Urgenta, Chifinau, Republica Moldova USMF ”N.Testemitanu” en_US
dc.description.abstract The article reflects a clinical trial, on determining the value of the interleukin IL 6 si IL 8 levels in the blood, in order to predict the development and the evolution of the infectious and inflammatory processes at the patients with politraumatisms, including those with a predominance of musculo-skeletal system injuries and open fractures of the major segments. nivelulul de interleukine IL 6 si IL 8 in sange. Articolul reflecta un studiul clinic, cu privire la valoarea determi-narii in sange a nivelului interleukinelor IL 6 si IL 8 in sange, in scop de prezicere a dezvoltarii si evolutiei proceselor infectioase si inflamatorii, la pacientii cu politraumatisme, inclusiv cele cu o preponderenta a leziunilor sistemului musculo-scheletal si fracturi deschise ale segmentelor majore. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Archives of the Balkan Medical Union en_US
dc.subject inflammatory processes en_US
dc.subject politraumatism en_US
dc.subject interleukins en_US
dc.title Evolutia proceselor inflamatorii la accidentatii cu politraumatisme cu preponderenta leziunilor aparatului locomotor in corelatie cu nivelulul de interleukine Il 6 și Il 8 in sange en_US
dc.title.alternative The evolution of the inflammatory processes at the injured with po-litraumatisms with the prevalence of the injuries of the locomotor appratus in connection with the interleukins IL 6 si IL 8 level in the blood. en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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