The study carried out on a group of 46 patients suffering from chronic occurring
obstructive lung disease, analyzed the clinical peculiarities, aetiological factors and mechanisms
of complications. COPD can cause early and late complications, such as pulmonay heart. It
revealed efficacy of combined therapy with ozone, which helped beneficially in comparison with
Studiul efectuat pe un lot de 46 pacienţi cu BPCO, consacrat studierii particularităţilor
clinice şi mecanismelor etiopatogenetice ale complicaţiilor ce survin. BPCO poate cauza
complicaţii precoce şi tardive, aşa ca cordul pulmonar. S-a demonstrat eficacitatea utilizării
medicaţiei asociate cu ozon, care a contribuit benefic comparativ cu tratamentul monoterapie.