In patients with persistent light forms of bronchial asthma, clinical manifestations with
functional cardio-respiratory disturbances lead to moderate functional insufficiency, that kept
capacity to work at the level of 95% in 6,1% of patients; 90-80% - in 62% of patients and 75-
65% of capacity to work - in 31,8% of cases. These persons were considered able to work; 31
patients with physical effort professional activity and noxious work conditions were transfered to
other activity forms limited in comfort zone. In 2 patients there were installed moderate grade of
dysability during one year for medical and professional rehabilitation.
La pacienţi cu AB evoluţia uşoară manifestările clinice cu dereglări cardiorespiratorii
funcţionale a adus la deficienţa funcţională uşoară, ce au menţinut capacitatea de muncă la 6,1%
bolnavi pînă la 95%, la 62,1-90-80% şi 31,8% pînă la 75-65%. Aceste persoane au fost
considerate apte de muncă, la 31 persoane ce prestau activitatea de muncă cu efort fizic, cu noxe
erau transferaţi la alte activităţi în limitelei zonei de confort, la 2 persoane sa stabilit gradul mediu
de dizabilitate pe un an pentru reabilitarea medicală şi profesională.