The Government is committed to maintaining good public health services, so combatting the socially-conditioned diseases, such as HIV/AIDS,
remains a priority. Despite the Government’s commitments and effort that has been made in collaboration with the development partners, the incidence
of HIV has risen. In 2011, in order to accelerate the sustainable progress of HIV/AIDS, the Governments and relevant stakeholders decided to apply the
Development Goals of Millennium Acceleration Framework (MAF), the methodology endorsed by the United Nations Development Group. With the
support from UNDP, WHO and other UN institutions, the application of the MAF has helped investigate the social and medical determinants of health
and identify the potential barriers within and outside the health system – bottlenecks at socio-economic and institutional levels. MAF is also focused
on the needs of socially vulnerable groups of people that bear the brunt of HIV epidemics. Economic and social marginalization, stigmatization and
discrimination they face are the underlying reasons of their vulnerability to these diseases.