In the Republic of Moldova a strategy to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child has been implemented. It ensures the access of pregnant
women to HIV counseling and testing rooms, early diagnosis of HIV infection, ARV treatment, provision with children’s nutrient mixtures, care and
support conforming to the international recommendations. The objective of the article is the evaluation of medical services provided to women with
HIV infection during the pregnancy for the consolidation and strengthening of the measures aimed at reducing the transmission of HIV infection from
mother to fetus. In the majority of cases the training of HIV positive pregnant women about the ways of HIV transmission, preventive measures, medical supervision, ARV therapy, including prophylaxis, is conducted by an infectionist (88.46%), a family doctor (47.11%), an obstetrician-gynecologist
(34.61%) and a volyntary counseling and testing unit consultant (17.30%). The HIV-positive women have demonstrated incomplete knowledge about
the ways of transmission of HIV infection and its prevention. Around 12% of HIV-positive women have no access to condoms. In most cases (67.30%)
HIV-positive women are supplied with condoms by NGOs. One-fourth of HIV positive pregnant women are taken in the medical records late enough
that excludes the possibility of preventive ARV therapy in full. There is a risk of transmission of HIV infection from mother to child due to the breastfeeding the babies and limited access to the artificial nutrition for children during the first days after their births in hospital, identified in 5.76% of cases.
Every other woman is stigmatized and discriminated by other pregnant women by being isolated.