In the Republic of Moldova HIV infections and/or viral hepatitis counseling and testing are provided free of charge in the offices of voluntary
counselling and testing (VCT) and are based both on an individual application and on the direction of the medicalstaff. Most people are sent to pre- and
post-test counseling for HIV and/or hepatitis to the VCT offices by the doctors while their own initiative remains low. 60% of people have been tested
on HIV markers without the pre-test counseling and their written informed consent, and about 25% of people who have got the pre-test counseling and
have been tested for HIV markers do not know their test rezults. The people with high risk of infection are not properly covered with counseling by
VCT offices. HIV testing based on rapid saliva tests has a limited application in Moldova. To assess the quality of the services of voluntary counseling
and testing through the prism of clients’ satisfaction by these services a questionnaire to assess the level of customers’ satisfaction has been used and
967 people who were advised in these offices have been interviewed. Using the relevant statistic reports (Form №. 25 san) “The quarterly report about
the activities of the VCT offices concerning HIV and viral hepatitis B and C”, approved by the Ministry of Health, the analysis of the indexes of the
activities of VCT offices regarding HIV and viral hepatitis B and C in the period of 2009-2011 has been conducted.