The authors present data about children with hearing impairments which can exist at various places in the hearing chain. If located in the ear canal or in middle ear the impairment is called a conductive loss. If the condition is due to problems in the sensory cells in cochlea or in fibers of the neural pathways it is called a sensoroneural loss which is usually congenital or may be due to other prenatal or postnatal factors. For successful rehabilitation of patients with sensoroneural hearing loss the collaboration of many specialists is necessary.
В работе отражены самые важные аспекты проблемы тугоухости у детей, необходимость ранней диагностики данной патологии с целью последующей реабилитации. Рассмотрены современные классификации тугоухости, этиологические факторы, механизмы развития и методы реабилитации.