Summary. Clinical manifestations of the haemodynamic modifications have showed a statistically authentic correlation both with conventional (renin-angiotensine-aldosteron system activation, phosphorus-calcium metabolism modifications, age, arterial hypertension) and unconventional (anemia, proteinuria, dimensional and functional kidney indices) cardiovascular risk factors in patients with different stages of the chronic kidney disease. In the same time clinical features of the cardiovascular system affection have correlated with echocardiographic modifications such as valvular affection, left ventricle hypertrophy associated with diastolic dysfunction, heart cavities dilation and the increase in the right ventricle systolic pressure.
Centrul Dializă şi Transplant Renal IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională
(1-13 iunie 2011)