Organismul uman constituie un sistem complex, polifuncțional, care realizează și funcții epurative, contribuind astfel la realizarea problemelor endoecologice.
Sistemul limfatic este unica cale de drenare și de dezintoxicare a organelor și țesuturilor. Eficacitatea drenării depinde de gradul de dezvoltare a rețelelor
capilare limfatice, de tipul de structură a vaselor limfatice și de particularitățile morfologice ale limfangionilor. Modificările de structură ale limfangionilor,
ce au loc în diferite perioade de vârstă reprezintă un indice al agravării circulației limfatice și descreșterii gradului de drenare a spațiului interstițial.
The human body represents a complex, multifunctional system that also accomplishes cleaning functions, this way contributing to solving the endoecological
problems. The lymphatic system represents the unique way of drainage and detoxification of the organs and tissues. The drainage efficiency depends on the
level of development of the lymphatic capillary network, the structure of lymphatic vessels and the morphological peculiarities of the lymphangions. The
change in the lymphangions structure, that occurs during different life stages, represents an aggravation index of the lymphatic circulation and a decrease
of the draining gradient of the interstitial space.
The human body represents a complex, multifunctional system that also accomplishes cleaning functions, this way contributing to solving the endoecological
problems. The lymphatic system represents the unique way of drainage and detoxification of the organs and tissues. The drainage efficiency depends on the
level of development of the lymphatic capillary network, the structure of lymphatic vessels and the morphological peculiarities of the lymphangions. The
change in the lymphangions structure, that occurs during different life stages, represents an aggravation index of the lymphatic circulation and a decrease
of the draining gradient of the interstitial space.