Scopul lucrării a constat în studierea particularităţilor persoanelor alcooldependente şi estimarea gradului de codependenţă a persoanelor
apropiate. Studiul actual, bazat pe un lot de 50 pacienţi (barbaţi), cu vârsta cuprinsă între 25 şi 65 ani, a demonstrat că cauzele cele mai frecvente ale
recidivelor maladiei au fost apariţia spontană sau psihogenă a tulburărilor de dispoziţie. Microclimatul familiar s-a caracterizat printr-un sentiment de
singuratate, ratare a vieţii acestor bolnavi. Factorii individuali, care au provocat atracţia faţă de alcool, în răstimpul dintre excese, au fost preponderent
stările mixte de nelinişte, anxietate, irascibilitate şi insomnie. Caracterul preponderent al atracţiei patologice faţă de alcool a fost situaţional. Atitudinea
rudelor față de consumul de alcool a fost dezaprobatoare în peste 50 la sută din cazuri. Gradul de codependenţă al membrilor familiei este puternic manifest.
The aim of the work was to study the peculiarities of alcohol dependent individuals and to estimate the degree of codependency in relatives. The current
study, based on a sample of 50 patients (males), aged between 25 and 65 years old, showed that the most common causes of relapse of the disease
were spontaneous or psychogenic appearance of mood disorders. Microclimate in the family was characterized by a sense of loneliness, missing the life of
these patients. Individual factors that caused the attraction to alcohol, in the period between excesses, were mostly mixed states of restlessness, anxiety,
irritability and insomnia. The predominant character of pathological attraction to alcohol was situational. Relatives’ attitude towards alcohol consumption
was disapproving in more than 50 percent of cases. The degree of codependency of family members is strongly manifest.