Au fost analizate rezultatele tratamentului chirurgical a leziunilor ureterale (ureterul ginecologic) la 10 paciente în Clinica de Urologie a IMSP SCR în decurs
de 5 ani. Toate afecţiunile ureterale au survenit în urma intervenţiilor legate de patologia ginecologică. S-au studiat metodele de diagnostic utilizate în
dependenţă de durata afecţiunilor, funcţia rinichilor pe partea afectată, metodele de tratament indicate, tipul de plastii efectuate. A fost determinată
importanţa aplicării nefrostomiei percutanate ecoghidate, ca o metodă inevitabilă ce permite restabilirea funcţiei rinichiului obturat. Clinic şi funcţional s-au
apreciat perioadele cele mai favorabile pentru efectuarea neoanastomozelor ureterale şi restabilirea funcţiei aparatului renourinar.
The results of surgical treatment of ureteral injuries (gynecological ureter) were analyzed taken from 10 patients in the Urological Department of Republican
Clinical Hospital during 5 years. All the ureteral lesions appeared after interventions related to gynecological disorders. Were researched the methods of
diagnosis according to the duration of the pathology, the function of the affected kidney, the indicated methods of treatment, types of plasty. It was
established the importance of percutaneous nephrostomy with ultrasound guidance as an unavoidable method which allows restoring the function of the
blocked kidney. Clinically and functionally were determined the most adequate periods to effectuate ureteral new anastomoses and reestablish the function
of urinary tract.