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Institutional Repository in Medical Sciences
of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
of the Republic of Moldova
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Biblioteca Stiintifica Medicala

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Browsing by Author Enachi, Victor

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Abcesul Bezold. Prezentare de caz clinicSandul, Alexandru; Antohi, Andrei; Vetricean, Sergiu; Fortuna, Valeriu; Didencu, Alexandru; Enachi, Victor
2020Condiții epidemiologice, bacteriologice și clinice în sinuzita maxilară odontogenăSencu, Eusebiu; Enachi, Victor; Cernei, Vadim; Verdeș, Daniela
2010Economic impact of iron deficiency anemia for the Republic of MoldovaCiobanu, Angela; Enachi, Victor; Turcan, Mariana
2022Endoscopia de somn – metodă de diagnostic a pacienților cu sindrom obstructiv de apnee în somnEnachi, Victor; Vetricean, Sergiu
2020-10Histopathology of uvula in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome with different degrees of severityEnachi, Victor; Sencu, Eusebiu; Vetricean, Sergiu; Antohi, Andrei
2020Histopathology of uvula in patients with obstructive sleep apnrome syndrome with different degrees of severityEnachi, Victor; Sencu, Eusebiu; Vetricean, Sergiu; Antohi, Andrei
2021Morphological changes in the oropharynx in patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndromeEnachi, Victor
2021Morphological changes in the oropharynx in patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndromeEnachi, Victor; Vetricean, Sergiu
2023Pierderea auzului și sindromul de apnee obstructivă în somnEnachi, Victor
2018Sindromul obstructiv de apnee în somn, diagnostic și tratament ORLSandul, Alexandru; Enachi, Victor
2022Tratamentul chirurgical al maladiei MeniereNoroc, Iurie; Enachi, Victor


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