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Title: The changes of heart histological structure during different stages of development
Authors: Rehiman, Fahad Rahman Abdul
Globa, Tatiana
Keywords: heart development;congenital heart defects;histological changes;cardiac anomalies
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Instituţia Publică Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica Moldova
Citation: REHIMAN, Fahad Rahman Abdul, GLOBA, Tatiana. The changes of heart histological structure during different stages of development. In: Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova = Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences. 2024, vol. 11(3), an. 2, p. 13. ISSN 2345-1467.
Abstract: Background. The human heart undergoes significant histological changes from early embryogenesis to post-natal life. Understanding these changes provides insights into congenital heart defects’ etiology and offers potential therapeutic techniques. This knowledge helps assess congenital anomalies and their global health impact. Objective of the study. To analyze the histological changes that appear during heart development and their implications on congenital heart defects, highlighting key embryological milestones and the impact of congenital anomalies on human health. Material and methods. The study reviewed specialized literature on heart development, focusing on the histological structure changes from embryogenesis to post-natal life. It examined key developmental stages. Also, were used recent studies using advanced medical imaging techniques to detect congenital heart anomalies and understand their impact on cardiac remodeling during critical periods. Results. Heart development involves complex anatomical, physiological, and biochemical changes. Key embryological milestones include the formation of the heart tube, involvement of mesodermal and endodermal layers in heart tissue formation, and the development of atria, ventricles, septa, and valves. These changes are crucial for the transition from fetal to neonatal circulation. Congenital heart defects significantly impact hemodynamic transition to extra-uterine life and are influenced negatively by pregnancy complications such as intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, and preterm birth. Advanced medical imaging has improved detection and understanding of these defects. Conclusions. Understanding heart development and congenital anomalies is essential for improving global health. This study emphasizes the importance of recognizing key embryological milestones and histological changes to detect and treat congenital heart defects effectively.
metadata.dc.relation.ispartof: Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova = Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences: Conferinţa ştiinţifică anuală "Cercetarea în biomedicină și sănătate: calitate, excelență și performanță", 16-18 octombrie, 2024
ISSN: 2345-1467
Appears in Collections:Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova : Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences 2024 Vol. 11, Issue 2

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