Search Statistics for Arta Medica Vol. 44 No 1, 2011

Top Search Terms

Search Term Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
1 subject_keyword:angiotensin II converting enzyme inhibitor 4 6.15% 0.00
2 author_keyword:Baciu, Gheorghe 3 4.62% 0.00
3 author_keyword:Bejinaru, Sergiu 3 4.62% 0.00
4 author_keyword:Borş, Mihail 3 4.62% 0.00
5 author_keyword:Cepoida, P. 3 4.62% 0.00
6 author_keyword:Chişlari, Lia 3 4.62% 0.00
7 author_keyword:Ciutac, I. 3 4.62% 0.00
8 author_keyword:Cojocaru, Victor 3 4.62% 0.00
9 author_keyword:Colesnic, Victor 3 4.62% 0.00
10 dateIssued_keyword:2011 3 4.62% 0.00


Searches % of Total Pageviews / Search
65 100.00% 0.00