MedEspera 2016: Recent submissions

  • Rotaru, Ion (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction. Aspergillus species are ubiquitous fungi, their spores being found anywhere in the environment. For humans, they play the role of opportunistic pathogens. Colonization, infection and disease develop in ...
  • Scutaru, Eugenia (MedEspera, 2016)
    Background: While geographic variation in health care access and quality may affect health status of patients with COPD. The influence of rural or urban residence on the health status of COPD patients is studied rather ...
  • Miron, Andreea-Iuliana; Baetu, Alexandru Emil; Jugariu, Anamaria Romina (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Three meta-analyses evaluated the role of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The difference of the three studies consisted in evaluating different parameters ...
  • Baetu, Alexandru Emil; Dragus, Emoke; Duca, Anca (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common infectious diseases occurring in either the community or healthcare setting.1 Uncomplicated UTIs typically occur in the healthy adult non-pregnant ...
  • Turcan, Vitalie (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) - ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), have chronic progression evolution with frequent extraintestinal manifestations and increasing incidence in East Europe, ...
  • Pastramoiu, Elena Lavinia; Moise, Viorel; Septimiu, Voidezan (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction. Premalignant condition and lesions of the stomach such as intestinal metaplasia or atrophy are very wide-spread nowadays and it seems to be determinated by various factors.The aim of this study is to evaluate ...
  • Ivanov, Mihaela; Peltec, Inesa (MedEspera, 2016)
    Background: Monocolina K is a fermented product of rice and red yeast (RYR) (Monascus purpureus) and has been used by the Chinese for many centuries as a food preservative and for its medicinal properties. It is a potent ...
  • Suad, Nassar (MedEspera, 2016)
    Background: Portal hypertension is a common complication of chronic liver diseases and is responsible for most clinical consequences of cirrhosis, which represent the more frequent causes of death and liver transplantation ...
  • Peltec, Inesa; Toaca, Natalia; Ivanov, Mihaela (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Sleep is a basic need of the body. In Europe the duration of sleep for adult person (18-55 years) is 8 hours, but more than third of adult sleep less than 6 hours per night. Several studies have shown an ...
  • Samofalov, D.A. (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Purulent destructive pneumonia, massive necrosis of lung tissue, is a serious, often fatal, complication of lobar infiltrative pneumonia. Improvement in treatment of children with bacterial pneumonia may ...
  • Kvashnina, A.A.; Dzhagiashvili, O.V.; Chumak, R.R. (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction. Changes in intestinal microbiocenosis play an important role in the development of functional disorders of the digestive tract in children. The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic value of ...
  • Racovet, Angela (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction. Cytomegalovirus Infection (CMV) is one the most common congenital viral infection and an important public health issue, which is widely spread in newborns, about 0.3% - 2.4%,characterized by symptomatic ...
  • Gheorghiu, Cristina (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: An important factor influencing the perception of health‑related quality of life (HRQoL) is the presence of chronic diseases, especially polymorbidity. Comorbidities in hypertensive patients have been ...
  • Belaia, Inna (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introducton: Chronic gastroduodenitis represents chronic inflammation of the gastric and duodenal mucosa and submucosa, with a tendency to progression. It remains one of the most important pathologies among the world ...
  • Pascal, Maria; Grejdieru, Alexandra (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common genetic heart disease, characterized by increased wall thickness of left ventricle (LV) and interventricular septum (IVS). The prevalence in adult ...
  • Popa, Boris; Manole, Elena (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction.We conduсted a studу in the Nationаl Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery from Chisinau, to determine clinical and evоlutive features, and major рrognostic factor in adults with bacterial neuroinfection ...
  • Hohan (Samchuk), Nadejda (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction. Stable angina pectoris (SAP) is a widely spread disease and a cause of disability. An improper management could lead to worsening of the medical prognosis and it is evident that the problem of SAP is of ...
  • Vornices, Igor (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Logoneurosis is a temporo rhythmical disorder of speech organization that occurs because of convulsive muscle contractions of the phonatory apparatus. It affects about 5-8% of children, 1% of adults and it ...
  • Gheorghiu, Cristina; Grib, Andrei; Surev, Artiom (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are a major health problem and account for a large proportion of the total number of hospitalizations all over the world. Conventional cardiovascular risk factors, such as ...
  • Siminenco, Anastasia (MedEspera, 2016)
    Introduction: In the past years there has been observed an evident direction towards making unpharmacological treatment a global priority. The correlation between altered states of consciousness and pain is demonstrated ...

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