Introduction. A well-developed medical system is one that cares about all categories of patients.
But the way in which it takes care about severely ill patients shows maturity and empathy degree
of a society. I will try to point out some of the most important bioethical challenges in palliative
care and to identify solutions for them.
Aim of the study. Highlighting bioethical benchmarks that would lead to an improvement of
therapy and to increasing patient's adherence to treatment.
Materials and methods. Clinical observation of patient under palliative care. Indirect
questioning of patients. Interviewing and counseling of medical stuff.
Results. 73% of patients who participated in the study have responded positively to a treatment
based on individual's emotional requirements comparative to 42% of patients that was treated in
a standard way.
Conclusions. Applying bioethical landmarks in palliative care services are very important for
setting principles that must be followed by physician and also for customization of medical