Introduction. The endocrine system coordinates the functions of various organs through
hormones that are released into the bloodstream from specific cell types within the endocrine
glands. Contemporary endocrine disruptions are multifactorial, many of the conditions are
determined by the natural and social environment. In the case of patients with endocrine
disorders, the polydimensional approach addresses the diversity of factors, namely from the
conceptual positions of different fields: sociology, biostatistics, medical management, social
medicine. Still more pronounced, bioethics is involved with a dual role, regulator and direct
involvement in the strategy of the medical act
Aim of the study. To explore the multidimensional approach of patients with endocrine
disorders. Optimizing the medical act by involving bioethics.
Materials and methods. Consulting of scientific, statistical-sociological and ethno-bioethical
publications autochthonous and from abroad. The methods that were applied: analytical,
descriptive, bioethical, and sociological.
Results. Endocrine disorders nowadays are a major health challenge and affect more and more
people, and the indifference to this situation has an ever more pressing impact on the world's
population. In case of endocrine disorders, the doctor-patient relationship must be a special,
collaborative one. This is a particular relationship in the context of care of the contemporary
patient with endocrine disorder. Nowadays there is a new form of ethical thinking in medicine -
the bioethical one - which examines the problems in order to respect the life, autonomy and
dignity of each individual throughout his life. Optimization of endocrine medical act through the
involvement of bioethics has a favorable role for both the patient population and the general
medical field.
Conclusion. 1. The patient with endocrine disorders is a real challenge to approach that requires
a psychological, medical treatment throughout his life and a radical change in lifestyle. 2.
Endocrine problems are both medical and social, requiring continuous education in
multidisciplinary patient teams. 3. A significant importance has the involvement of bioethics in
the endocrine medical act.