Introduction. Once the weather changes more and more people complain on their health status.
At the same time others are not affected at all. Meteosensitivity is a reaction of the human body
to weather changes. It can be physiological or pathological. The first one it is a normal
adaptation to new conditions; when the pathological causes a deterioration of mental and/or
physical health. Under the influence of air temperature, atmospheric pressure, air humidity and
the movement of air masses, appear following symptoms: tiredness, drowsiness, headache,
dyspnea, vertigo, irritability, palpitations, anxiety, joint pain and appear remission cycles of
chronic diseases.
Aim of the study. It is meteosensitivity a real disease or an imagination? What is
meteosensitivity and meteo resistance? How youth reacts to weather changes?
Materials and methods. The materials used for this study: 1. The book “Meteosensibility” by
Svetlana Dubrovscaia; 2. The scientific article “From physiological to pathological
meteosensitivity”; 3. Various web sites. Methods: 1. Survey of views; 2. Questionnaire about
meteosensitivity and the symptoms on the weather changes.
Results. Studies show that 46% of people polled are sometimes sensitive at weather changes;
22% are certainly meteosensitives, and around 23% don’t think that they are sensitives. About
symptoms, 22% of persons are sleepy, 18% - complain of headache, and 60% have other
symptoms. Also, in 29% of cases, all symptoms appear when it’s raining, in 28%- at atmosphere
pressure variations, and in 17%- when the temperature changes.
Conclusion. The fact that around 70% of persons polled are between 15 and 25 years old, and
they also confirmed the symptoms, means that meteosensitivity affects not only elders. Also, I
confirmed that there are meteosensitives and meteoresistants; and the former confirmed the
symptoms described.