Introduction. A cyst is defined as a pathological cavity lined with epithelium and odontogenic
or non-odontogenic origin, showing fluid or semi-solid contents inside. Odontogenic cysts are
the most common osteolytic lesions (90% to 97% of reported cysts) in the oral region. Its growth
is slow, from remnants of odontogenic epithelium of Malassez. The inflammatory cysts can be
classified as: inflammatory periapical cyst (apical radicular cyst and lateral periodontal cyst or
apical), residual cyst and cyst paradental. All odontogenic cysts, with the exception of
inflammatory periapical cyst and lateral radicular cyst should be treated with surgical
intervention. The periapical cystic lesions are usually treated by conservative endodontic
treatment (periapical curettage) or surgical treatment (enucleation, marsupialization and
decompression). Some inflammatory periapical cysts are reversible only with endodontic
therapy. The prognosis is also good, when the inflammatory periapical cyst is removed by
surgery because of periapical tissue repair occurs.
Aim of the study. The current study mainly aims to deepen the knowledge regarding the types
of inflammatory odontogenic cysts, describing its characteristics and main aspects and
highlighting the importance of the differential diagnosis for the treatment of these lesions.
Materials and methods. For the study were selected 499 patients with different kind of cysts in
oral and maxillo-facial region in the OMF surgery department from 2010 till 2014. Among them
268 were men and 231 were women of different age.
Results. Following this study, we noticed that women are less affected than men, so it has been
found that the maxilla is also more often affected than the mandible. The analysis of the
treatment methods applied to the jaw cysts patients showed an increased rate of use of
cystectomy (90%).
Conclusion. The inflammatory odontogenic cysts are interosseous lesions that affect the regions
of maxilla and mandible. Although asymptomatic and benign, due to its continuous increases,
these lesions can become destructive, because they affect and infect the adjacent bone and thus
should be treated appropriately. In this sense, it is crucial for diagnosis and treatment planning
usually requires a detailed analysis of the clinical, radiological and histopathological