Introduction. Propolis is known as one of natural products with multiple therapeutic effects,
such as: antimicrobial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antifungal and antitumor.
This apiculture product has a very complex composition, consisting of the following
groups of active principles: phenols, flavonoids, amino acids, volatile oils, steroids, minerals, etc.
The development of pharmaceutical forms with propolis extract is a very actual problem.
Aim of the study. Technology development and standardization of suppositories with soft
propolis extract.
Materials and methods. Analysis of State Nomenclature of drugs of the Republic of Moldova.
Use of hand rolling and molding methods and different excipients to prepare suppositories with
propolis extract.
Results. The analysis of State Nomenclature of drugs of the Republic of Moldova denotes a very
low content of preparations with soft extract of propolis. Most of the suppositories have antiinflammatory
action (25%); followed by analgesic-antipyretic (15%); immunomodulators (14%),
Suppositories with soft propolis extract were formulated in the compounding department of
Vasile Procopisin Pharmaceutical University Center. The excipients used were cocoa butter,
PEG 4000:400 (9:1) and PEG 4000:1500:400 (6:3:1). The performed quality tests on
appearance, melting rate, dissolution rate and uniformity of mass met the quality standards
required by European Pharmacopoeia.
Conclusions. The technology of preparation of suppositories with soft propolis extract by two
methods, using different excipients was elaborated and quality assessment was performed.
The results of the research will allow the introduction of suppositories with soft propolis extract
in assortment of Vasile Procopisin Pharmaceutical University Center as elaborations.