Introduction. The first who introduced the term "respiratory personality" was Dejours (1961).
He discovered differences in the respiratory pattern from one person to another and suggested
that the respiratory pattern may be a stable feature of personality.
Aim of the study. To study the concept of "respiratory personality" in twins
Materials and methods. The group was made of 16 twins (8 pairs) in the age of 24+-6(the
youngest are 18 years old, the eldest 30). All don't have respiratory pathology, are healthy and
didn't take psychoactive substances before the experiment. The current study was applied in 2
steps. First determines psychometric properties of twins, which were described using PID-5 test.
This test has 220 autoreport elements, evaluated from 0 to 3. This test discovers maladaptive
personality traits from DSM-5. Second step was made to record respiratory pattern using
respiratory inductive pletismography Visuresp RBI France and Capnography Capnostream. The
experimental protocol included recording the respiratory variables in 27 minutes: 5 minutes in
rest, 3 minutes of pain, 3 minutes postpain rest, 1 minute stress,3 minutes poststress rest,
duration of apnea, 3 min postapnea rest, 3 minutes of metronome guided volunteer
hyperventilation, 5 minutes of rest.
Results. (1) For all the girls in a pair of twins, the PID-5 domains are more pronounced in one
girl than in the second in pair. (2) In a pair of twins, the same domains of PID-5 are often found.
The most common is the domain of Disinhibition (6 pairs) and Detachment (7 pairs). (3) Two
pairs are similar in all domains. And they are girls. (4) EtCO2 is initially the same in a pair of
twins. At 37.5% it starts to differ in the sample with apnea (5) 75% had the same length of apnea
(6) 75% had a similar level of pain (7) 62.5% of couples showed the same trend in the change in
respiratory rate during the following samples: in transfer from post-pain to stress samples and in
transfer from stress to post-stress samples. (8) the same length of apnea are represented in twins
with the same Disinhibition domain. Conclusions: 1. Even with different PID-5 domains, some variables of the respiratory pattern in
twins are the same 2. Twins are very similar in PID-5 items, of which the most common domain
is Detachment 3. The most common in PID-5 domains are girls 4. Domain of Disinhibition may
have an effect on the length of apnea.