Iodine is a trace element necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. From the 30-50
mg of iodine existing in the adult organism, 8-10 mg are concentrated in the thyroid gland which show
a particular affinity for this element, Sergiu Manescu said.
Professor Sergiu Manescu explain ethiopatogenesis in next way: in the state of deficiency of
iodine in the body, the thyroid gland is overloaded by pituitary (gland), amplifying it”s activity for
compensing that deficiency, but work in empty, the follicles undergoes hypertrophy, accumulate more
colloid and gland volume increases occurring endemic goiter.
Physiological status and environmental conditions that increase energy expenditure of the body
causes greater consumption of thyroid hormones. Therefore, children, adolescents, women during
maternity and those performing strenuous activities are more susceptible to iodine insufficiency.
The endemic goiter, called endemic thyreopatic dystrophy, is manifested by decreased basal metabolism,
sluggishness and fatigue in physical and intellectual activity (up to cretinism), reduced emotionality,
decreased resistance to cold, delayed growth and bone mineralization (dwarfism thyroid). To prevent
endemic goiter in adults under normal conditions of life are sufficient 60-70 micrograms of iodine per
day (1 microgram / kg). However it appears that the optimum ration is 100-200 micrograms per day.
The needs of children are estimated to be 40-50 micrograms in the first year, 70-90 micrograms for
preschool children, and 120-150 micrograms for school students. Endemic goiter occurs in people who
consume food and water poor in iodine.
It is estimated that 80-90% of body needed iodine comes from food.
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors